Ego Is The Problem

“Ego is the problem. Sometimes ego is very spoiled, like a child who is constantly throwing tantrums. Sometimes ego doesn’t accept where we are. Sometimes ego doesn’t accept who we are. Sometimes ego doesn’t accept things the way they are without any real complaint. So what do we do? There is nothing that we can do. Sometimes ego doesn’t accept the fact that the sky is blue, but there is nothing we can do, you see. Sometimes ego doesn’t accept that we are living on a planet which is permeated with natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, and other catastrophes. All we can do is accept that, and learn how to surrender to the flow of all events.” ~Anam Thubten (from “No Self, No Problem)

So powerfully true. Our ego (mind) doesn’t accept things as they are but wants them they way it should be. Awareness of our mind and breathing into our hearts is a way to take the sting out of life. namaste

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