Exercise, Exorcise; Do We Decidese?

The flow of life is not mono-directional. It isn’t just here’s a success so enjoy or here’s failure so suffer but rather the success of failing and the failure in succeeding. Is it really failing when things don’t work out or is that really a successful moment not yet realized? I am learning that there is no clear cut definition of anything and know that even the most sure thing is as prone to change as much as I know that a breeze can arise from nowhere at anytime and have significant influence.

Each time failure arises is an opportunity for growth. Knock you down, what do you do? Cry about it, whine about it, worry about it. Okay, perhaps and that’s totally okay but at some point that woe is me track playing on the ego box can be switched off. Choosing to tune into a new track is scary for it requires attention to self (all of it; mind, body, spirit), ownership, and forgiveness.

And the self is a pulsing web of emotions, thoughts, and senses that fire off randomly, constantly. So being able to tune into that which is of import, which is usually not much when you get down to it, requires self awareness. There is so much stuff to which we give merit that is just drama feeding inside us like a tapeworm. And we can beat ourselves up for this “drama” when what we need to do is let it go and forgive ourselves for indulging our ego in this useless mind noise. Yes, noise. Recognizing drama for what it is is an opportunity to choose to respond or not and does not in any way define the outcome.

Rather than worry about something, try to not have any expectations and enjoy the ride. Stress is only stress if you allow it to be. The rest is a pebbly running trail, a moguly slope, or a strong river current. Trust, let go, and enjoy the experience. In conclusion I offer this final thought; exercise awareness and exorcise the ego of uselessness. Namaste

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