Sowing Seeds Of Love

It’s scary to let go of what you know but the consequences are always the same, cloaked in different experiences which are meant to be lessons. Each time you hold onto the same fears you are feeding your mind’s negative influence on your spirit. The minute you let go and jump into unknowing is the moment when life can unfold for you as it’s supposed to and not the way you think it should. Life is flow and you may not always understand or like it but by learning to trust the flow will open you to a way of being you have only dreamed of. It is only by breaking new ground that you can sow seeds of love to grow and transform your way of being.

I grasped to life fearing change and it was only when I became heartbroken to bits did my shattered pieces have an opportunity to become a mosaic of beauty, peace, love, no fear, and no worry.Take a slow breath and feel into your heart; is it peaceful and content or  is it fearful and worried? You always have a choice. Close your eyes, slow inhale. …pause…..slow exhale;  three times


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